If you find that you are struggling to get job interviews, and you think it may be because of your age, you are not alone. Many older job applicants struggle with writing a CV that is appropriate for todays job market . You need to show your prospective employer that you up to speed with the latest technology.
Here are some tips for the older job seeker that would like to write an ‘age proofed’ CV.
1) If you are experienced in the industry you are seeking employment, consider limiting that experience to the previous 15 or so years. Omit the earlier jobs from your CV, or detail them in a different section without dates.
2) Be cautious when detailing your years of experience. Having 35 years of experience will flag you as being ‘older’.
3) Certainly include all the details of your college, tertiary, or other professional development qualifications, but do not include the dates.
4) Take your time (it isn’t as easy as most think) and write a CV that is specific to the industry you are applying for. Highlight your experience, but make sure it is relevant.
5) Detail all the latest technology and software you are familiar. You need to highlight the fact you are ‘up to date’. Leave out any obsolete technology.
6) Ensure you have your CV in electronic form. Preferably as a MSWord document and PDF. Email it to yourself so you can see if the formatting is correct. Many employers require you to submit your CV via electronic means.
If you need more help, then consider using a professional CV writing service. www.cvnow.co.nz can assist you with writing a professional and modern CV.