
Terms of Use for CurriculumVitae.co.nz/CVNow.co.nz

1. Terms and Conditions
Your use of CurriculumVitae.co.nz/CVNow.co.nz web site is subject to the following terms and conditions, which you are deemed to accept when you use the web site:

1.1 Satisfaction Guarantee
All CVs, letters, application forms or statements in support will be revised free of any further charges until you are satisfied. However, we cannot guarantee that you will secure an interview or receive an offer, a job offer is partly or fully based on your experience and qualifications. We reserve the right to automatically deem an order to be closed to a client’s satisfaction should we not have heard from them to the contrary after not less than 10 working days have elapsed since our written or verbal contact with the client. Naturally, this satisfaction guarantee cannot apply to information not provided by the client at the time of placing the order. We are happy to keep files open and if this is required please advise us during your consultancy or time that you are using our service by notifying us by email to sales@cvnow.co.nz

Where a client is not satisfied with work completed, we reserve the right to request written instruction that does not require any interpretation or creative writing on our part; this is in order to obtain the precise details a particular client has to achieve satisfaction. Where a client requires a CV re-written based on our guarantee we may request to view a minimum of five applications to ensure that the CV has been used correctly, advice may be given before a rewrite occurs. CVNow.co.nz may decide to use this clause at any time based on clause 1.2

1.2 Turnaround Times
All orders are processed; a first draft produced within 5 – 7 (five to seven) working days of consultancy processed and payment being received and satisfactorily cleared [excluding statutory holidays]. Express turnaround times are an exception to this. However the express service is only available during standard working days unless specifically arranged and is only available by us confirming our availability prior to you ordering.

CurriculumVitae.co.nz/CVNow.co.nz reserves the right to obtain written feedback from a client, where that feedback contains specific text to be inserted into a clients CV for any of the following circumstances :
a/ When a client has had two drafts of their CV and has requested a major change
b/ When a client is not able to provide feedback because they cannot make a decision, or the verbal feedback they provide is likely to not meet their expectations in our opinion.
c/ When a client has had a maximum of two drafts and requires further changes to their CV or other documents written by CurriculumVitae.co.nz/CVNow.co.nz

1.3 Payment
Payment is required in full at the time of placing the order or before.

1.4 Cancellation and Refund Policy
Once an order has been accepted by us, it is not possible to cancel once service has commenced. This is due to us starting to work on your CV by reading and preparation time prior to any telephone calls, emails or other correspondence which incurs costs to us.

1.5 Interruption and omissions in service
Whilst we try to ensure that the standard of the web site remains high and to maintain the continuity of it, the internet is not a totally steady medium, and errors, omissions, interruptions of services and delays may occur at any time. We do not accept any liability arising from such errors, omissions, interruptions or delays or any ongoing obligation or responsibility to operate this web site.

1.6 Links to other sites
CurriculumVitae.co.nz/CVNow.co.nz provides links to third party web sites which might be of value to you. We do not control such web sites and are not responsible for their content. Inclusion of hyperlinks to such web sites does not imply any endorsement of the material.

1.7 Intellectual Copyright
All intellectual property right in the design, layout and content of the website is owned by CurriculumVitae.co.nz/CVNow.co.nz. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information obtained from the web site without our written consent.

1.8 Use of this web site
You may only use this site for lawful purposes when seeking career-related advice. We reserve the right to remove any information supplied by you from the web site at our sole discretion, at any time and for any reason without being required to give any explanation.

1.9 Liability
We take no responsibility for any misrepresentation or legal proceedings caused by the services provided and takes no responsibility for any errors, either content or typographical, that are subsequently found. We take no responsibility for a client missing a particular application deadline and subsequent loss.

We accept no liability for any loss (whether direct or indirect, for loss of business, revenue or profits, wasted expenditure, corruption or destruction of data or for any other indirect or consequential loss whatsoever) arising from your use of the site and we hereby exclude any such liability, whether in contract, tort (including for negligence) or otherwise. We hereby exclude all representations, warranties and conditions relating to this web site and your use of it to the maximum extent permitted by law.

1.10 Indemnity
You agree to indemnify us and keep us indemnified against all cost, expenses, claims, losses, liabilities or proceedings arising from use or misuse by you of these sites. This does not affect your statutory rights as a consumer.

1.11 Legal Jurisdiction
These terms are governed by and will be interpreted in accordance with the New Zealand courts. The New Zealand courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any claim or dispute which may arise out of or in connection with these terms and conditions.

1.12 Intellectual property rights
CurriculumVitae.co.nz/CVNow.co.nz retains intellectual property ownership of all documentation produced. Each document is composed to ensure each individual client is marketed effectively based upon their individual experience, qualifications, competencies, achievements and personality traits. A client has the right to alter their own documents and reproduce additional copies via facsimile, scanner, printer or photocopier. Clients are not permitted to transfer ownership to another person, or permit them to use the document as a template. This policy is intended to protect the integrity and quality of CurriculumVitae.co.nz/CVNow.co.nz professional writing, and a client’s right to individually crafted documents. This property right is also intended to protect the interests of a potential third party by ensuring they do not embark on an unsuccessful marketing strategy without the benefit of documentation that is not reflecting their individual skills and experience.

1.13 Complaints
Client support and service, and any complaints can be dealt with via e-mail – by emailing sales@cvnow.co.nz Replies to an email will normally be made within 1-3 working days.

1.14 Changes to terms and conditions and invalidity
We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions under which the web site is offered. You will be deemed to accept the terms and conditions (as amended) when you next use this site following any amendment.