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Key Points for an effective CV

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Key Points for an effective CV

Opening Objective. Your opening objective needs to be targeted to the role you are applying for and provide a brief overview of your experience, qualifications, and skills that align to the vacancy. This is the first section read by employers and will immediately set the tone of your application and becomes your branding statement, similar to a 60 second elevator pitch.

Professional History. Employers aren’t interested in being provided a job description. They want to have an ...

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How your CV and Cover Letter work together as a team

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With most job applications you require a covering letter along with your CV. The covering letter is generally read first, and this is the first impression you get to make – so it needs to count!

While your CV provides a record of your professional history, qualifications, skills and abilities, your covering ...

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CV Tips and Advice

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CV Tips and Advice

How do I write a CV?

This is a question we are often asked and it isn’t quite as easy to answer as you may think. There are many facets to a successful CV and a bit too much to fit in a short blog entry, but here is the first of a few CV tips and format ideas; simple CV changes that make a difference when you are writing your CV for the NZ or global job ...

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CV Mistakes

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CV Mistakes

At we see many different CV’s from people of all walks of life that have very different skill sets, however it would appear that there are some very common mistakes that candidates make. Here is a sample of five of the most common CV mistakes.

Not including your name, or your contact details on your CV – Yes, it does happen and is normally an oversight because the person writing the CV is in a rush ...

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The ‘Mature’ Job Seeker

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The ‘Mature’ Job Seeker

If you find that you are struggling to get job interviews, and you think it may be because of your age, you are not alone. Many older job applicants struggle with writing a CV that is appropriate for todays job market . You need to show your prospective employer that you up to speed with the latest technology.

Here are some tips for the older job seeker that would like to write an ‘age proofed’ CV.

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