How do I write a CV?
This is a question we are often asked and it isn’t quite as easy to answer as you may think. There are many facets to a successful CV and a bit too much to fit in a short blog entry, but here is the first of a few CV tips and format ideas; simple CV changes that make a difference when you are writing your CV for the NZ or global job market.
When you have a paragraph or block of text in your CV it is important to ‘justify’ the text. This simple formatting change alters the length of the line and the spacing between characters to align the text with the left and the right margin. The justify button on most programs looks something like this:
This is what a block of text looks like if it is not justified and only aligned with the left margin:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean purus orci, interdum consectetur ac adum, sollicitudin a metus. Sed eu diam elementum, lobortis justo eu, viverra sem. Fusce tempus est quis purus condimentum, in sodales ante dapibus. Sed quis lacinia et libero. Pellentesque interdum ullamcorper libero a scelerisque.
And here is the same text justified:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean purus orci, interdum at consectetur ac, sollicitudin a metus. Sed eu diam elementum, lobortis justo eu, viverra sem. Fusce tempus est quis purus condimentum, in sodales ante dapibus. Sed quis lacinia libero. Pellentesque interdum ullamcorper libero a scelerisque.
This is subtle change to your CV formatting but justified text makes the document look professional, more inviting to read and only takes a few minutes of your time.
If you need more in-depth CV help, then please browse our range of professional CV services at www.cvnow.co.nz