At CVNow.co.nz we see many different CV’s from people of all walks of life that have very different skill sets, however it would appear that there are some very common mistakes that candidates make. Here is a sample of five of the most common CV mistakes.
Not including your name, or your contact details on your CV – Yes, it does happen and is normally an oversight because the person writing the CV is in a rush and has been thinking more about the finer details than the basics. There are other instances where another person’s name has been used as the file name of the CV.
Forgetting to update your cover letter – Many applicants submit a cover letter that enquires about different positions or different positions with different companies than what was intended. Always check that you have included the correct cover letter with the correct content.
Your CV is too long – A great CV does not necessarily need to be five, six or seven pages; more content does not necessarily mean better results. Remember that a longer CV discourages the recruiter from reading every page. A sad fact, but unfortunately true. The recommended length for most CV’s is 2-4 pages.
Using your friends as your referee – It seemed like a great idea at the time. Until both of you applied to the same company for the same job and devalued the employer to employee relationship.
Not updating your referee/s – If you gained permission to use one of your contacts for a professional reference six months ago it does not mean that they will a) remember b) are prepared c) will want to help you out this time. It is vital that you keep in touch with your referee’s – they are your lifeline and can make the difference.
Lying – If you cheat on your CV there is always a chance that you will be caught out. Once you have submitted your CV there is a strong likelihood that it will be circulated to more than one decision maker; they may even know you or have worked with you in the past. Never inflate your sales results, your responsibilities or your job titles.
Make sure you don’t make these simple CV mistakes. For a CV service that gets results review our CV and cover letter writing services or contact us for a free, no obligation review of your CV. www.cvnow.co.nz